The Practice of taking sub-perceptual doses of Psilocybin Mushrooms
Microdosing Psilocybin & LSD
The concept of "Microdosing" was introduced in 2011 by Dr. James Fadiman in his publication, The Psychedelic Explorers Guide, which is highly recommended for those interested in psychedelics. Dr. Fadiman characterized a micro-dose as approximately one-tenth of a standard hallucinogenic dose, specifically between 50mg and 250mg for Psilocybin mushrooms, and between 7-15ug for LSD.
Through years of self-funded research, he formulated "The Fadiman Protocol," which involves a regimen of one day of micro-dosing followed by two days off, a method that has gained widespread adoption for LSD microdosing. Subsequent studies have corroborated Fadiman's anecdotal reports that dosing psychedelics below the threshold of intoxication DOES yield much of the nootropic benefits associated with larger doses (most significantly neurogenesis and production of BDNF). Administering small quantities of Psilocybin OR LSD can also often enhance both convergent and divergent thinking, thereby improving cognitive abilities, flexibility, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Although initial findings from existing studies are encouraging regarding the safety and effectiveness of micro-dosing for enhancing overall well-being and addressing various psychological disorders, further research with larger participant groups is essential to fully comprehend the potential advantages and risks associated with this practice. You might have the opportunity to take part in one of these research trials!
Click here for a list of ongoing and planned psilocybin clinical studies. We also encourage all individuals who engage in micro-dosing to anonymously share any information regarding their micro-dosing practices and its effects on them at https://microdose.me, which will be valuable for future research endeavors.

How does it feel to Microdose?
If properly dosed, a Microdose should help shift you into the zone of “me, but on a great day”. 1-2 hours after ingesting a micro-dose, you may notice an increase in creativity and a more positive mood/outlook. Many users also find improved focus and energy level, however these effects are often subtle and may not even be acutely noticeable.
While the effects of macrodosing are not always noticeable in the moment, Over time many people notice broader improvements in mood, experiencing overall stronger focus and memory, feeling more inclined to live a healthy lifestyle, becoming more engaged and present, and more — this list is very expansive.
On your dose days: The effect of a microdose is subtle yet noticeable. You should be able to go about your daily routine without any impairment. It’s common for people who microdose to report the following on dose days: music sounds better, they’re more empathetic, more energetic, they pause to think before they speak, they’re more aware of their surroundings (especially nature), their focus feels sharper and they are able to stay on-track.
On your non-dose days: Many microdosers report experiencing an afterglow the day immediately after a dose day. The introspective effects in particular tend to draw out into the next day. Conescutive days of non-dosing (which are recommended in any macrodosing protocol) will bring you back to baseline and from a pharmacokinetic standpoint will serve to reset any tolerance that has built.
How often should I
There are two commonly used microdosing protocols or schedules, both of which are supported by literature on the metabolism of psychedelics to offer maximum value to the user. We recommend trying both of them and seeing which works best for you!
#1. The Fadiman Protocol - Dose, Break, Break, Dose, Break, Break, Break

#1. The Stamets Protocol - Dose, Dose, Dose, Dose, Break, Break, Break