Taking Psilocybin at a Macro-dosage, usually defined as between 2 and 5 grams of dried psilocybin mushrooms, has been shown by several scientifically meticulous studies to reliably elicit spiritual, mystical, or transcendent experiences that have lasting positive effect on the subject, with as little as one (large) dose.
In the modern day psilocybin is often used with one of two intents; recreational use or therapeutic use. When administered in a therapeutic setting it has proven to be highly effective in lowering anxiety, treating depression, breaking addiction, and alleviating the symptoms of PTSD.
Studies at Harvard, Stanford, Yale, University of Toronto, Johns Hopkins University, and many other educational/research institutions have proven psilocybin's efficacy in treating the aforementioned psychological conditions. These studies also corroborated beliefs that indigenous peoples have held into antiquity - that in addition to its medical applications, psilocybin also has the potential to radically improve the well-being, happiness, and overall mental state of 'healthy' individuals.
Based on the results of these studies, the U.S. Federal Drug Administration has also recently given psilocybin a "Breakthrough Therapy" designation, which is granted only when preliminary evidence suggests the drug may be an enormous improvement over already available therapy. This designation will fast-track many potential psilocybin treatments through clinical trials, which are underway. Health Canada has also awarded multiple licenses for the research and development of a psilocybin treatment.

*some of the institutions currently studying psilocybin
Macrodose Effects
The reason why Psilocybin experiences are referred to as “trips” is because psilocybin at high dosage often produces intense, immersive experiences that offer profound insights into your own psyche, and cause drastic shifts in thought pattern/process and perception. It has been firmly established (through almost 2 decades of research) that Psilocybin is one of the safest naturally occurring psychoactive substances, and can be utilized to treat a host of psychological conditions, but what exactly does a Psilocybin experience feel like?
The effects of psilocybin can vary subjectively based on numerous factors, like body weight, mind-state, and even your expectation of what the experience will entail. Psilocybin's effects can include euphoria, confusion, hysteria (laughing fits) synesthesia, altered thought process, altered sense of time, sensory enhancement, visual hallucination, spiritual or mystical feelings of unity and connectedness, and even out-of-body experiences.
We recommend starting with between 1.0 and 1.25 grams of dried mushroom per 100lbs of body weight if its your first time.
Sensory enhancement
Altered sense of time
Visual stimulation & hallucination
Unusual thought or speech patterns
Personal insight & reflection
Excitement & Euphoria
Creative epiphanies
Uncontrollable laughter
Spiritual or mystical feelings
A sense of peace and relaxation
Out of body experiences
"Noetic" quality
Increased open-mindedness
contact with "unknown" entities

The Science Behind Psilocybin
It has been known for millennia that ingesting Psilocybe mushrooms produce a state of consciousness that is in many ways enhanced, offering unique, almost omniscient perspective on personal issues and tribulations, profound creative insight, and even philosophical epiphanies about the nature of our universe. Our modern scientific understanding can help us quantify the pharmacokinetic process behind these effects, however cannot yet fully explain how OR why this fungi has evolved to produce these psychotropic compounds.
When psilocybin enters the body it is dephosphorylated (the removal of a phosphorus molecule) by the liver into psilocin. Contrary to popular belief the compound responsible for magic mushrooms mind-altering effects is not psilocybin, but psilocin. Psilocin bears a molecular structure very similar to serotonin (an important neuromodulator known to be involved in brain development, perception, cognition, and mood). Psilocin acts as a serotonergic antagonist, binding with serotonin receptors (specifically the 5 hydroxytryptamine (5HT) receptor group).
In addition to antagonistic function on the serotonergic system, Psilocybin has proven effect on several other neural processes, including;
The stimulation of neurogenesis through the increased production of Glutamate* and Brain derived Neutrophic Factor* (BDNF).
The dampening of activity in the Default Mode Network (a brain network that is overactive in patients with depression).
The incitement of cross-communication between brain networks that do not communicate in the "sober" state of consciousness.
*Glutamate is an vital neurotransmitter that accounts for over 90% of the synaptic connections in the brain, and is involved in crucial brain functions like cognition, learning, memory, and energy acquisition. Brain Derived Neutrophic factor is a protein that helps to stimulate and control the process of neurogenesis, it also plays a key role in long-term memory, neural development, coordination, and the deciphering of sensory input by the brain.*

Brain connections in a subject given psilocybin (right) and a placebo (left)

Despite being rated the most pharmacologically safe substance, the potential does exist to have a negative experience, however this risk can be mitigated by taking time to prepare for the experience. We highly encourage anyone new to psychedelics to check out our 'preparation page' for more information on how you can maximize both the acute effects, and long term benefits of psilocybin.
While a "bad trip" can be challenging in the moment, Studies performed at John Hopkins University have shown that 84% of study participants, when interviewed 6 months after the experience, said that they had benefited from the "bad trip". 34% of study participants said the bad trip was among the top five most personally meaningful experiences of their life, and 76% said that the bad trip had resulted in an improved sense of personal well-being or life satisfaction. Almost half said they would go through the experience again.
When compared to most other drugs, the risk profile of psilocybin is exceptionally low. Magic Mushrooms reduce anxiety, ease the intense pain of cluster headaches, aid in the prevention of Alzheimers, alleviate OCD symptoms, combat depression, re-wire the fear response neural circuits of PTSD victims, and boost the psychological state of terminal cancer patients.
Aside from the treatment of severe psychological conditions psilocybin also offers immense benefit to the recreational "healthy" user. A 2006 double-blind study sponsored by the U.S. government found that about 80 percent of people who took psilocybin reported that their well-being improved and remained that way for months after their psychedelic experience (the control group did not). Even over a year later, participants said that it was one of the most meaningful experience of their lives and that they continued to see benefits.

Additional Resources
We have curated a list of the most informative resources online regarding psilocybin mushrooms. Check these websites out if you wish to further explore this psychologically and spiritually profound fungi.
The Shroomery - A forum community mostly focused on cultivation.
R/CubensisMOMS - A subreddit dedicated to Canadian Cannabis/Psychedelic enthusiasts.
Tripsitters - the largest database of psilocybin tripsitters and retreat/clinic Information
Psilopedia - The Psilocybin Mushroom Encyclopedia
Psillow - Demystifying Psilocybin
The Third Wave - High-quality information specific to the classic psychedelics
Tripsafe - Research-backed education on Psychedelics
The Practice of taking large doses of Psilocybin Mushrooms